Message from Preseed Japan
Introducing our vision, mission, and values.


In our contemporary era, a plethora of convenient and cost-effective

commodities are readily accessible to us. Nonetheless, among this vast array of

options, how many truly manage to establish a profound connection with our


Consider, for instance, those commodities that instantly gratify us upon their

arrival, those that bring us even greater enjoyment when utilized, and those that

fundamentally alter our perspective on the world once we possess them.

As manufacturers, we aspire to create such extraordinary products! Our ambition

is to disseminate these offerings to individuals worldwide. Whether

accomplished through the refurbishment of existing items or the inception of

completely novel creations, we aspire to embark on this journey.

Let us, therefore, continuously challenge ourselves. Instead of succumbing to

complacency or compromising our standards, let us harness novel ideas,

creativity, and state-of-the-art technology to manifest our vision. Let our

products imbue each day with a sense of "joy."

────────── "Something that changes your life."

In our contemporary era, a plethora of convenient

and cost-effective commodities are readily

accessible to us. Nonetheless, among this vast

array of options, how many truly manage to

establish a profound connection with our


Consider, for instance, those commodities that

instantly gratify us upon their arrival, those that

bring us even greater enjoyment when utilized,

and those that fundamentally alter our

perspective on the world once we possess them.

As manufacturers, we aspire to create such

extraordinary products! Our ambition is to

disseminate these offerings to individuals

worldwide. Whether accomplished through the

refurbishment of existing items or the inception of

completely novel creations, we aspire to embark

on this journey.

Let us, therefore, continuously challenge

ourselves. Instead of succumbing to complacency

or compromising our standards, let us harness

novel ideas, creativity, and state-of-the-art

technology to manifest our vision. Let our

products imbue each day with a sense of "joy."

────── "Something that changes your life."



Pursuing the Future

Experience a world filled

with "joy" in your everyday

life with AVIOT.

Experience a world filled

with "joy" in your

everyday life with AVIOT.

Our products not only enhance convenience but also provide a sense of satisfaction and pleasure. By owning an AVIOT product, your perception of the world will be transformed. Each day becomes more exciting, and tomorrow is eagerly anticipated. "Living" itself becomes an entirely "joyful" experience. We are dedicated to bringing these remarkable products to people all over the world.


Mission to Accomplish

Creating innovations that

make people say, "What's this!?"

and renovations that make

people say, "Yes, this!"

Creating innovations that

make people say, "What's

this!?" and renovations

that make people say,

"Yes, this!"

By thoroughly addressing existing inconveniences and dissatisfactions, we aim to shape "ideas that everyone agrees with." Uncover "latent desires" that no one perceives yet. Through imagination and creativity, bring these ideas to life from scratch.


Values and Strengths

Creative × Technology
for cutting-edge satisfaction.
Creative × Technology
for cutting-edge satisfaction.
Embracing new challenges
without fearing risks for
unprecedented surprises.
Embracing new challenges
without fearing risks for
unprecedented surprises.
Professionalism for
reliable products.
Professionalism for
reliable products.